Um, Did We Just Start a Podcast?

The beginning of a (hilarious) friendship.
Las Vegas, March 2016. I remember the week like it was yesterday. Because it was our first time leaving the house in almost 6 years.
I mean, such is the life of a mom-and-pop photography business, right? #iykyk
In an effort to get away from all our cameras/gear/photos, we decided to attend WPPI – where at that very moment, thousands (upon thousands) of photographers from around the world were descending upon Vegas to precisely talk about cameras, gears, and photos.
Welp. There went that plan.
Long story short – because New Jerseyans (or former New Yorkers, as we like to be known) have a talent for finding one another in a sea of slot machines, go-go dancers, and overpriced steakhouses, our paths inevitably entwined and the rest was history.
Every adventure begins with a delicious “Bengarita“.
Just so ya’ll know, perfect margaritas don’t just happen on their own; it takes lots of practice and “testing”.
Needless to say, Jenn & Ro have been more-than-willing test subjects for all of my experimental concoctions.
I haven’t managed to poison them yet, so for better or worse, they keep coming back for more.
But the best part? Every one of our eating/drinking adventures would always conclude in the same manner: with stuffed bellies, full hearts, and our faces hurting from all that laughing we just did.
Correction: every adventure begins with questionable ideas with even more questionable drinks.
“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.“
Whether you’re the new kid at school, the new employee at work, or even the new business owner who has absolutely no idea what you’re doing – you just sorta kinda figure everything out as you go along. I mean, humans have been surviving on that mindset for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
But as you continue to grind through those years, making one bad decision after another, and watching others make bad decisions as well, you eventually get pretty good at making less bad decisions yourself. Right?
By my professional estimation, that’s either experience, or the Bengarita talking :).
And between the four of us, we’re admittedly sitting on a boatload of experience (or Bengaritas, depending on whom you ask), and we simply want to share all of those stories and lessons with you. Maybe you’ll laugh, maybe you’ll cry, and maybe you’ll pick up something useful along the way. However we can enrich your lives in a meaningful way, we’re totally here for it.
So whatever the case may be, we’re so incredibly thrilled that you’re here. We hope you’ll enjoy this next adventure with us.
Wanna see some of our work? Click on the links below:
Ben –
Karis –
Jenn & Ro –
Wanna share some of your stories with us? Write us here: