1: Episode 046 – Stephen Capone of Pearl Paper Studio
Everybody wants to know how to grow an associate team – but what if you’re on the other end of that coin? What if you simply wish to photograph gorgeous weddings on the weekends for other studios? As a veteran associate lead photographer of Pearl Paper Studio for over the past 11 years, Stephen Capone...
22: Episode 045 – 2025 Year End Wrap Up
What did we accomplish this year? What do we hope to accomplish in 2025? Today’s drink is an Apple Cider Old Fashioned – 1 oz bourbon – 2 oz apple cider – splash of bitters – garnish with cinnamon stick
21: Episode 044 – Struggles, Mistakes & Lessons Learned
When people see you at the top of your game, they oftentimes don’t see the blood, sweat, and tears that go into building a profitable business. It’s a common theme that you hear with success stories – this concept is neither new (nor inspirational, for that matter). However for better or worse, it’s all absolutely...
20: Episode 043 – BONUS EPISODE | Ask Us Anything
We take a break from our regularly scheduled programming to answer viewer questions about sales, marketing, and business. Side note: we may/may not have strayed off topic to talk about silly things going on in our personal lives!
19: Episode 042 – Christopher Stiles & Jennifer Zapatka Lens & Light Summit
One of the best things your favorite podcast cohosts have ever done for our businesses was attend conferences, both here at home and abroad. Hands down, it’s one of the quickest ways to level up your skills, build your portfolio, and grow your professional network – all the key ingredients to running a successful business....
18: Episode 041 – Brielle Uszenski of I Do Wedding & Event Planning
Brielle Uszenski of I Do Wedding & Event Planning stops by the studio to chat about managing client expectations, creative personalities, and all the crazy shenanigans when nobody listens to her professional advice. You can check her out here: https://www.ido-planning.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/idoplanningandevents/
17: Episode 040 – Jason Nelson
If you think that trying to make a living through wedding photography is hard, try being a musician! The Essential Jason Nelson joins us in the studio and shares how he’s been able to niche down, leverage social media, and create a thriving brand that most of us can only dream of. You can check...